Study on 40 years of cultural mediation
Completion of a scientific study on state-of-the-art mediation and on developing heritage on digital devices for Université Paris 8

The CréaTIC program is an excellence initiative laboratory offering innovative training at Université Paris 8 as well as research, monitoring and training centers in the field of creative sciences.
The university commissioned a study on the historic digital mediation challenges and the links with the culture industry in order to inform the strategic direction and educational ambitions of the CréaTIC program and to train students on designing the next generation of products and services.
In collaboration with a panel of cultural mediation experts and digital historians, Reciproque was responsible for the overall coordination of the project, conducting the survey and drafting the study.

Université Paris 8 and Reciproque gathered their deep insights together to produce a reference file containing, among other things:
- An analysis and selection of 100 digital devices considered to be pioneers in digital mediation, developed in museums and international cultural institutions;
- A historical overview on 40 years of innovation in French museums and cultural institutes;
- An analysis of digital uses regarding the new participatory approaches to co-producing knowledge between visitors and cultural institutions;
- A concept paper on cultural democracy and artistic education in a university setting and recommendations for building training programs.
The document was submitted to Université Paris 8 in October 2016, along with general guidance on how to create a new teaching program on digital cultural mediation. Today, CréaTIC features 17 training programs and 24 workshop-laboratories open to more than 500 students.